
Do You Have a Waterbug Problem in Your New Jersey Home?

Waterbug or Cockroach, when you think you have a cockroach problem in your home, you might actually have waterbugs. These pests resemble cockroaches. In fact, some people refer to cockroaches and waterbugs interchangeably. However, they are two different pests. Find out more about waterbugs, including what they are and when you’ll need NJ pest control services.

The Waterbug Habitat

How do you know if you have waterbugs or cockroaches in your home? Waterbugs are typically found near bodies of water, such as ponds, lakes, and rivers. You can also find them near swimming pools. Cockroaches are sometimes found in similar places, so it’s easy to confuse the two.

Physical Appearance of the Waterbug

When you have these pests in your home, their physical appearance can help you determine whether they’re waterbugs or cockroaches. Waterbugs tend to have a darker coloring compared to cockroaches’ brownish coloring. Waterbugs are also bigger than cockroaches and have antennae that are less visible.

Waterbug Behavior

Waterbugs are known to bite when they’re disturbed, while cockroaches rarely ever bite people. When waterbugs bite, their saliva has chemicals that can cause intense pain and even numbness. Both cockroaches and waterbugs tend to be active when it’s dark out. Unlike cockroaches, waterbugs are solitary and don’t gather in groups.

What to Do About a Waterbug Problem

Since waterbugs can bite, it’s important to have professional NJ pest control done to eliminate them. If you’ve seen these pests inside your home, exterminators can find out where they’re coming in and take steps to get rid of them. You can also repair leaks and seal up cracks to prevent more waterbugs from getting into your home.

If you have a waterbug problem in your home, we can help. Contact Allison Pest Control to learn more about our NJ pest control services for waterbugs and other pests.

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