
Know The Signs Of Termite Damage – Protect Your Home Or Business

What are the signs of termite damage? Termites aren’t big pests, but their colonies can be huge. This puts NJ homes and businesses at serious risk of having property damage. Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, you should plan on getting NJ termite control service if you have any of the following signs of a termite problem.

Signs of Termite Damage in Homes

Termites are rarely seen, since they avoid being in light spaces. Instead, they tend to remain out of sight inside walls. Look for signs that termites have been feeding on wood beams and other structures, such as paint bubbles on walls and ceilings. Other signs include sagging areas in ceilings, areas that sound hollow when tapped on, and indentations resembling honeycomb in baseboards.

Signs of Termite Damage in Buildings and Offices

Finding signs of termite damage in commercial buildings can be more difficult, since they tend to be larger properties. However, you might see termites swarming near concrete slab foundations. You might also notice damage from termites feeding on other sources of cellulose, such as textiles or wood pallets. They do this when they can’t get to beams and other wood structures.

Once You Find Signs of Termites

Let pest control professionals handle your termite problems, whether you’re a homeowner or business owner. We have the training and equipment needed to search for termites and colonies and get rid of them before they cause even more damage to your home or business.

If you need effective NJ termite control service, please contact Allison Pest Control. We can get to the source of termite infestations and eliminate these pests.

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