
When Is the Best Time of Day to Apply Insecticide to Ant Mounds and Problem Areas?

Having several ant mounds or problem areas in your yard can raise your chances of having ants invade your home. Putting insecticide in these areas can help protect your home from ant infestations. However, it’s important to know how and when to use these products, so they’re effective. Keep in mind that treatments by a Colts Neck NJ exterminator will be even more effective for your ant problems.

When to Apply Insecticide

Insecticide products need to be able to reach ant nests underground. In some cases, such as when you’re dealing with ants that sting , you’ll need to wait until they’re out foraging before applying insecticide. In general, ants tend to forage when it’s warm out.

If you’re applying insecticide in summer, you should do so in the late afternoon or early evening. If you’re putting insecticide on mounds or in other problem areas in spring or fall, you should do so in the morning when it’s cool and dry. Avoid applying these products on rainy days, since the rain washes insecticides away.

Professional Ant Treatment

To make sure your ant problem has been taken care of for good, you should get professional pest control. Exterminators know which treatments work best for eliminating ant problems and keeping these pests away from your home. They’ll also know the best time to use these treatments.

If you need a Colts Neck NJ exterminator for ant problems, please contact Allison Pest Control. Our exterminators can get rid of ant infestations in your home or yard.

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