
Bed Bugs Found More Frequently on International Flights

Bed bugs have made appearances on buses and subways, and they’re now showing up on airplanes. Passengers on Air India flights out of Newark have had to deal with these pests recently. Keep what happened to these travelers in mind the next time you fly, in case you end up needing pest control services in Monmouth County for bed bugs.

Plane Pests

Passengers on different Air India flights from Newark to Mumbai reported the presence of bed bugs on seats in recent months. In one case, an 8-month-old infant had several bites from bed bugs. Another flight had bed bugs crawling around on business class seats. These incidents show that bed bugs can be found almost anywhere and aren’t just pests that target residential homes.

Preventing Bed Bug Bites

How can you stay safe from bed bugs when you fly? Before sitting down, check the seat for signs of these pests. Bed bugs are tiny, reddish-brown pests that can get into crevices and seams of seats on airplanes, so check these areas carefully. You should also check your carry-on bags and checked baggage for these bugs when you leave the plane, so that you don’t bring them back into your home.

If you need pest control services in Monmouth County for bed bugs, contact us. At Allison Pest Control, our technicians provide thorough and reliable service to eliminate bed bugs.

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