There’s no doubt that ants cause plenty of problems for homeowners. From ruined food supplies to wood damage, ants are a common pest that prompts many NJ homeowners to get help from an NJ ant exterminator. However, there are some interesting facts about these bugs that you might not be aware of.
Ants Breathe Through Their Skin
Ants don’t breathe like mammals do. Instead of a pair of lungs, these bugs breathe through holes that cover their skin. These small holes let oxygen in and carbon dioxide out on a regular basis.
Ants Hear Through Their Feet
Another interesting distinction between humans and ants is that these insects don’t have ears. How do they manage to hear the sound of predators coming their way? Ants sense sound through their feet. They feel vibrations that let them know when an intruder or a possible predator is coming.
Ants Are Strong
Don’t let their small size fool you. As tiny as they are, ants are strong enough to lift items that are up to 20 times their own body weight. This allows them to pick up a wide range of food scraps for eating or materials that they might need for their nest.
Do you have an ant problem in your NJ home? Contact Allison Pest Control, and we’ll send a NJ ant exterminator to your home to handle any infestations you have.