
The Truth About Bedbugs: Seperating Myth From Fact Part 1

Bedbugs are common pests that are hard to deal with. As they grow in number in many areas of the world, including NJ, it’s important to learn more about them, including when to hire a local exterminator. The following are some common myths about bedbugs that can help you understand these pests better.

Myth: Bedbugs Can Go a Year Without Feeding

Bedbugs can technically last this long without feeding on blood, since their metabolism slows down when it’s cold out. However, scientists have found that they usually only live for about two or three months without feeding in normal room temperatures.

Myth: Bedbugs Only Invade Dirty Places

Bedbugs can infest any home or building, no matter how clean and tidy it is. In fact, these pests have been found in high-end, 5-star hotels. Bedbugs go where there’s food for them, which is anywhere with people or pets.

Myth: Bedbugs Fly Around

These pests don’t have wings, so they can’t fly around. They get from place to place on clothing, suitcases, or other items. They can also crawl through tiny cracks, which allows them to spread inside apartment buildings, hotels, and other buildings.

Myth: Bedbugs Live in Mattresses

Despite their name, beds aren’t the only places these pests are found. Bedbugs can hide in a wide range of places inside homes and buildings, including photo frames, curtains, outlets, and upholstery.

What to Do About Bedbugs

If you think you have bedbugs in your home, you’ll need professional pest control to handle them. DIY methods don’t work against these pests, but experts have the right techniques and tools to get rid of bedbugs in your home.

If you need a local exterminator for bedbugs, contact Allison Pest Control today. Our experts can eliminate bedbugs from your home.

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