
What to Know About Upcoming Spring Carpenter Bees

As if carpenter ants weren’t enough of a threat to homeowners, carpenter bees are another insect drawn to wooden materials. Let our experienced Freehold NJ exterminator share important information about this common pest that emerges during spring.

What’s in a Name?

While carpenter bees and bumblebees share part of a name, that’s about all they have in common. Their appearance is similar, but the former has a shiny, hairless abdomen, unlike the latter’s hairy, black-and-yellow-striped midsection.

The biggest difference is in their nesting habits. Bumblebees form colonies that live in existing underground cavities, such as tunnels abandoned by rodents. Carpenter bees create their individual nests by burrowing into wood, where pregnant bees lay their eggs.

How Do Carpenter Bees Affect a Home?

In terms of danger to humans, carpenter bees are more of a nuisance than a significant risk. Only females have the ability to sting, and they’re less aggressive than wasps, bumblebees and other stinging insects.

The biggest potential problem posed by carpenter bees is damage to your home. They often return to previously used tunnels, expanding them as needed. Over time, these holes allow moisture to enter, causing the wood to rot. If you find signs of a carpenter bee infestation, let a professional Freehold NJ exterminator handle it.

Call Allison Pest for Freehold NJ Exterminator Services

Have you spotted telltale mounds of sawdust around your home? Our trained Freehold NJ exterminator technicians can safely remedy the situation. Contact Allison Pest or visit our new mobile friendly site to schedule a free inspection.

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