
What’s Bugging You? Tips on Identifying Bees and Wasps – Part One

When you spend time outside this summer, you’re bound to run into stinging insects from time to time. How do you know what you’re dealing with and whether or not you should get an NJ wasp exterminator? Here’s a closer look at how to identify wasps and hornets on your property.

Baldfaced Hornets

Baldfaced hornets are mostly black with white faces. They build large paper nests in exposed areas, such as utility poles, trees and overhangs, making them easy to spot.

European Hornets

These hornets, which are brown and yellow, construct paper nests inside hollow walls, hollow trees or barns.

Mud Daubers

Mud daubers are mostly black with lighter colored markings or a metallic sheen. These solitary wasps tend to build mud nests on or near buildings, such as sheds and eaves.

Paper Wasps

These wasps have a brownish tone with red or yellow markings. They make nests out of paper and can build them in in trees, shrubs, eaves, porch ceilings and other residential areas.


These black and yellow wasps build paper nests either close to the ground or in higher places, such as garages. Yellowjackets can sting, although they’re usually not aggressive unless you disturb them.

If you have wasps or hornets in your yard or home, contact Allison Pest Control. Our NJ wasp exterminator will come to your home and carefully remove wasp or hornet nests to eliminate infestations.

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