
Yes, You Do Still Need Pest Control Services in the Winter, Here’s Why

Do you think cold weather gives you a respite from the threat of insects and rodents invading your home or business? Here’s why pest control in Monmouth County NJ might be even more important during winter months. 

Shelter from the Storm

In summertime, the weather is warm while nature is alive and in full bloom. Food is plentiful and pests can find plenty of comfortable places to make a nest.

When snow and cold temperatures arrive, rodents and insects want shelter just like humans do. Unfortunately, they don’t ask permission before taking up residence in your home or business.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind?

The problem is compounded by the fact that most pests are used to being in survival mode. Many of them are active during nighttime, when everyone else is asleep and unaware of their presence. There could be a bug or rodent infestation lurking just on the other side of the wall.

Our experts on pest control in Monmouth County NJ warn that danger may also lie in the months ahead. Insects might end their life cycle in the fall, but their parting gift could be a deposit of eggs that will start a new life cycle in the spring.

Your #1 Choice for Pest Control in Monmouth County NJ

When it comes to pest control in Monmouth County NJ, you don’t have to go it alone. Our professionally trained technicians are happy to work with you on a plan that best suits your needs. Contact Allison Pest to schedule a free inspection.

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